Climate in Casablanca

Generally, Morocco's climate is moderate and subtropical, cooled by breezes off the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In the interior the temperatures are more extreme, winters can be fairly cold and the summers very hot. In fact, the further you go from the ocean the more extreme winter and summer temperatures become.

General Information about Casablanca

• Currency : Moroccan Dirhams
• Spoken Language : Moroccon Sign Language / Arabic / Spanish / French
• Time difference between Oman and Morocco : - 4 hrs
• Best time to visit:
Best Time To Visit Casablanca. Casablanca sitting on the edge of Atlantic Ocean has a mild weather temperature throughout the year. July and August are the bestmonths to visit the city as these are warm and comfortable.

Information about Flights to Casablanca

• Flight option: Turkish Airline, Egypt air, Qatar Airways, Emirates

• Approximate flying hours: 11 hrs

• Number of flights in a day: Turkish Airline( 1 Flight ) Via Istanbul
Egypt air ( 1 Flight ) Via Cairo
Qatar Airways ( 4 flights ) Via Doha
Emirates ( 1 Flight ) Via Dubai

Interesting facts about Casablanca

1. Hassan II Mosque - It took 6,000 traditional Moroccan artisans, five years to build this magnificent mosque, with its intricate mosaics, stone and marble floors and columns, sculpted plaster moldings, carved and painted wood ceilings. It's the largest mosque in the world, with room for more than 100,000 worshipers. Non-Muslims are not allowed inside, but there's plenty to marvel at on the outside, and official tours do allow you access to certain parts.
2. Shopping - Casablanca's medina (old-walled part of town) is quite small and a great place to get lost in as you explore the shops in little nooks and crannies. It offers a nice contrast to the wide streets and modern/dilapidated architecture that marks the rest of Casablanca. You can pick up some good bargains here on authentic wares and crafts. Also check out the Marche Central in the center of town for wonderful displays of food, spices and fish. It takes place daily along the Boulevard Muhammad V, which is Casablanca's busiest shopping street.

3. Visit a Hammam - You have to try a steam bath and scrub in a traditional hammam when you visit Morocco, so why not in Casablanca given that the outdoor sights aside from the Mosque are not that spectacular? One recommended place for a good scrub down is Les Bains Ziani.

4. The Corniche - Sometimes referred to as the "South Beach of Morocco", or the "Blackpool of Morocco", the Corniche is basically a boardwalk lined with restaurants and nightclubs. It's where local folks go to relax and have fun. Take a stroll down the Corniche if you've spent time inland and want to enjoy the sea breeze. It's a little out of the center of town, so you'll need a cab. If it's hot, nip into one of the swimming pools owned by beach clubs and hotels along here.

5. Place Mohammed V - The main square in town, the Place Mohammed V, has a large fountain (with colorful lights at night) and is surrounded by lovely examples of French colonial architecture. It's not a destination as such, but if you stumble upon it, you'll enjoy a rest to watch the working world go by and you can certainly feed a pigeon. The main post office is here, as well as the French consulate and several large banks.


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